Thermal-Flex Systems track switch heaters are part of our “systems” approach to switch heating, combining rail heating elements, insulated rail heater covers and crib heaters to improve rail heating at the switch point. Our reusable rail heater covers feature a high-density thermal insulating material held captive in the cover by a locking insulator plate.  The combination of thermal insulation and cover geometry drives heat into the rail rather than allowing it to be lost to the environment. Our insulated rail element covers can elevate rail temperatures by up to 27% versus non-insulated systems.

Today, Thermal-Flex Systems is the only manufacturer of flexible rail heating elements.  Our patented design permits the rail heating element to be installed either behind, or around track braces and other obstructions. Our unique heating element design is encased in a flexible, watertight tube. The tube, or rail heater, is positioned at the rail web on the field side of the stock rail where it is covered by the insulated cover and the completed assembly is held in place by spring steel track clips.

The components of the Thermal-Flex High Capacity Switch Heating System are shown in the diagram below.

Rail Element, Channel and Rail Clip Drawing

For extreme environmental conditions, Thermal-Flex Systems manufactures a wide range of high wattage rail heating elements; up to 600 watts/ft. Utilizing our small diameter SlimLine connector allows the rail heater to be easily installed behind rail braces thereby reducing trackside access time and installations costs.

To complete the “system”, Thermal-Flex track switch heating systems are configured with crib, or ballast heaters. Our crib heaters are one of the smallest and lightest designs in the industry making the installation under the switch rods simple and quick.